A large corpus of apocrypha - viz. falsifications, false attributions and extracts - compiled during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages has been connected to Seneca.

The best known amongst these works are the Epistulae Senecae ad Paulum et Pauli ad Senecam. These fourteen letters set in Rome during Nero's time are a product of the so-called pseudo-epigraphic literature and date back to the 4th century AD.

The anonymous author recommends reading the Apostle's texts, declaring the necessity for Christians to acquire a rhetorical education. By bringing Seneca and St. Paul together in this way he also bears witness to the late antique tendency to integrate Christian culture and classical tradition.

The following abridgements of Seneca's work are worthy of note as well:

  • De paupertate: extracts from the first eightyseven Epistulae ad Lucilium containing only passages concerning the theme of voluntary poverty. The latter is seen as a symbol of frugality and detachment from worldly goods.
  • Monita: extracts from various works by Seneca, compiled in the 8th century.
Collections of maxims by Seneca:
  • De remediis: a brief text on life's adversities, possibly dating back to Late -Antiquity.
  • De moribus: a collection of 145 moral maxims, possibly by a Christian living in Gaul and already quoted amongst Seneca's works in a Canon of the Tours Council (657). It knew a wide circulation in the 8th century.
  • Proverbia or Sententiae: a collection of 149 statements in alphabetical order. The first section comprises maxims in verse by Publilius Syrus, a Roman mime who lived in the 1st century BC.; the second section is in prose and derives from De moribus.
Other works which certainly cannot be credited to Seneca are:
  • De quattuor virtutibus: viz. the Formula honestae vitae, a moral compendium by St. Martin, bishop of Braga (556-579) which has circulated under Seneca's name up until the 11th century.
  • Controversiae et Suasoriae: a work by Seneca the Elder and dedicated to his sons Novato, Seneca and Mela which contains much detail on the declaimers active in the age of Augustus and Tiberius. The Controversiae are judicial speeches held by prosecutors and defendants; the Suasoriae are speeches held by personalities of the past.